Vulnerability Exposure Policy

Vulnerability Exposure Policy

This policy applies to all products and services offered through the PointX Application by the POINTX Company Limited (the “Company"), as well as to any third-party components or dependencies that are integrated or used by the Company’s products and services. This policy covers any potential vulnerabilities and errors that may affect the confidentiality, integrity, availability, functionality, or performance of the Company’s products and services, or that may pose a risk to the Company’s customers, partners, employees or other stakeholders. This policy does not apply to any issues that are not related to the Company’s products and services, such as phishing, social engineering, physical security, or denial-of-service attacks.

The Company welcomes and encourages reports from anyone who identifies a potential vulnerability or error in the Company’s products and services, including but not limited to customers, partners, employees, researchers, academics, or ethical hackers. The Company values the contributions of the external security research community and will reward them for any new and valid vulnerability reports that help improve the Company’s security posture, in accordance with SCBX Group’s Bug Bounty Program guidelines and terms and conditions.

The safety and security of our customers’ data, and the reliability of our products and services, are of utmost importance to the Company. Therefore, we aim to design and make products and services with the highest levels of security and reliability. Despite our best efforts, due to the highly complex and sophisticated nature of our products and services, vulnerabilities and errors may still be present in our products and services.

This policy describes the Company’s approach to requesting and receiving reports related to potential vulnerabilities and errors in its products and services.

Customers, users, researchers, partners and any other person that interacts with the Company’s products and services are encouraged to report identified vulnerabilities and errors by using the form present on the Vulnerability Disclosure Policy platform.

The Company highly appreciates the efforts made by the reporting party in identifying the vulnerability or error. This will contribute to improving the security and reliability of our products and services.

Please note that supplying your contact information with your report is entirely voluntary and at your discretion. You can be assured that the Company will only use such information to clarify the details of your report with you, if necessary.

By making a report to the Company using the form on the Vulnerability Exposure Policy platform, or otherwise communicating a report to the Company regarding vulnerabilities and errors, you agree to the following terms:

The Company may use your report for any purpose deemed relevant by the Company, including without limitation, for the purpose of correcting any vulnerabilities and errors that are reported and that the Company deems to exist and to require correction. To the extent that you propose any changes and/or improvements to the Company’s product or service in your report, you assign to the Company all use and ownership rights to such proposals.

You warrant and confirm to the Company that

  • You have not exploited or used in any manner and will not exploit or use in any manner (other than for the purposes of reporting to the Company), the discovered vulnerabilities and/or errors.
  • You have not engaged, and will not engage, in testing/research of systems with the intention of harming the Company, its customers, employees, partners or suppliers.
  • You have not used, misused, deleted, altered or destroyed, and will not use, misuse, delete, alter or destroy, any data that you have accessed or may be able to access, and have destroyed all the data that you may have extracted from the Company in relation to the vulnerability and/or error discovered.
  • You have not conducted, and will not conduct, social engineering, spamming, phishing, denial-of-service or resource-exhaustion attacks and have not and will not disrupt, compromise, or otherwise damage data, products, services or property owned by other parties. This includes attacking any devices or accounts other than your own (or those for which you have explicit, written permission from their owners).
  • You have not tested, and will not test, the physical security of any property or building of the Company.
  • You have not breached, and will not breach, any applicable laws in connection with your report and your interaction with the Company product or service that lead to your report.
  • You agree not to disclose to any third party any information related to your report, the vulnerabilities and/or errors reported, nor the fact that vulnerabilities and/or errors have been reported to the Company.
  • The Company does not guarantee that you will receive any response from the Company related to your report. The Company will only contact you regarding your report if the Company deems it necessary.
  • You agree that you are making your report without any expectation or requirement of reward or other benefit, financial or otherwise, for making such report, and without any expectation or requirement that the vulnerabilities and/or errors reported are corrected by the Company.
  • The Company is committed to maintaining an open and transparent approach to vulnerability disclosure and welcomes feedback and suggestions for improvement from all stakeholders.
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